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Imposter Phenomenon

 It was very insightful to listen to the podcast and read the article on imposter phenomenon. I do believe we all have had these feelings at some point in time. I definitely can relate as I tend to be a bit hard on myself and set standards for myself that at times can be unrealistic. I also tend to be a perfectionist on many things, well except for keeping my house neat and tidy. Yes, I just admitted it and I am ashamed to say it, especially as an OT student, my house is a mess. Ok, but in my defense, for those of you who do not know me I am married and have two children ages 11 and 7.5 yrs. old. Oh, we also have two dogs, two guinea pigs, one parakeet, and one hamster. Yes, I agree it is a bit much. And what in the world does all the animals have to do with imposter phenomenon? Well, I will tell you. I often think to myself, “Man no one can ever find out just what a zoo my house really is!” I feel as an OT student I should be a better “homemaker” and better able at keeping a nice neat

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